CPC Core Module 4: Anesthesia Equipment and Techno ...
CPC Core Module 4: Study Aids
CPC Core Module 4: Study Aids
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Nano 71: Selection and Utilization of Appropriate Anesthesia Equipment<br /><br />This nano covers the selection and utilization of appropriate anesthesia equipment and monitoring modalities. It focuses on the topics of vaporizers and ventilators. Vaporizers include agent-specific interlock systems and manufacturer specifications. Types of vaporizers discussed are variable bypass vaporizer, desflurane vaporizer, and Aladin vaporizer. Considerations for vaporizers include preventing overfilling, leaks, and no vapor output. The interlock system, seating release button, filling devices, and safety features are also discussed.<br /><br />Ventilators are classified based on power source, drive mechanisms, and cycling mechanism. Ventilator modes such as volume-controlled ventilation (VCV), pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV), and synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) are explained. Pressure-controlled ventilation with volume guarantee (PCV-VG), pressure support ventilation (PSV), and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) are also discussed. Ventilator alarms and nonrebreathing circuits (Mapleson and Bain systems) are covered, along with their advantages and disadvantages.<br /><br />Nano 72: Monitoring<br /><br />This nano covers the selection and utilization of appropriate anesthesia equipment and monitoring modalities. It focuses on the topics of cardiovascular monitoring, respiratory monitoring, and additional types of monitoring. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is discussed, along with its uses for identifying various cardiac conditions. Cardiac output monitoring using techniques such as thermodilution and transpulmonary thermodilution is explained. Pulse oximetry, capnography, spirometry, and intracranial pressure monitoring are also covered.<br /><br />Nano 73: Equipment Malfunction<br /><br />This nano covers the appropriate actions to take in the event of equipment malfunction, including electrical malfunction. It discusses misconnections, disconnections, occlusion or obstruction, and oxygen analyzer management. It provides guidelines for managing oxygen pipeline supply and responding to power failure in the operating room. The importance of equipment testing and protocols for power failure management are emphasized.<br /><br />Nano 74: Infection Prevention<br /><br />This nano emphasizes the importance of infection prevention, including disinfection and sterilization of equipment. It covers standards related to infection control, such as hand hygiene, safe injection practices, personal protective equipment, and equipment and environmental cleaning. The Spaulding classification system for devices and instruments is explained, along with specific recommendations for cleaning and disinfection. CO2 absorption, integral monitors, and capnography are also discussed.<br /><br />Nano 75: Documentation of Preanesthesia Evaluation and Informed Consent<br /><br />This nano focuses on the documentation of preanesthesia evaluation and informed consent. It highlights the elements required for a comprehensive preanesthesia evaluation, including medical history review, anesthesia risk assessment, potential anesthesia problems, and additional information. It emphasizes the importance of providing education to patients and obtaining informed consent. Exceptions to informed consent and the reconsideration of advance directives in the perioperative period are also covered.<br /><br />Nano 76: Documentation of Key Perioperative Events<br /><br />This nano emphasizes the importance of documenting key perioperative events, both intraoperative and postoperative. It provides guidelines for documenting patient information, anesthesia care plan, and postanesthesia evaluation. It highlights the need for accurate and comprehensive documentation to ensure continuity of care, billing and reimbursement, reference for future care, legal protection, and data for quality assurance. It also discusses documentation requirements for perioperative errors and adverse events.<br /><br />Nano 77: Importance of Information<br /><br />This nano focuses on the importance and benefits of information management systems in anesthesia. It emphasizes the use of anesthesia information management systems (AIMS) to collect and display perioperative data, provide decision support, facilitate information management and quality improvement functions, and minimize manual clinical documentation duties. The growing demand for improved quality and safety in healthcare is discussed, along with the shift from quality assurance to quality improvement.<br /><br />Nano 78: ERAS<br /><br />This nano provides an overview of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS). It explains how ERAS improves patient outcomes and describes specific ERAS strategies during the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative stages. The importance of implementing ERAS and utilizing compliance measures for continuous improvement is emphasized. Preoperative strategies, intraoperative considerations, and postoperative recovery measures are covered in detail.<br /><br />Nano 79: Promoting Safe Management of Patient Care<br /><br />This nano focuses on promoting safe management of patient care through quality assurance data and risk management. It emphasizes the importance of quality improvement programs and stakeholder involvement in improving quality and safety. Guidelines for managing adverse events and providing critical incident stress management are provided. The AANA Guidelines for Critical Incident Stress Management are highlighted, along with standards and code of ethics for anesthesia practice.
anesthesia equipment
monitoring modalities
vaporizer selection
ventilator modes
ventilator alarms
nonrebreathing circuits
equipment malfunction
infection prevention
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